E  =  Eldritch,  A  =  Audience/ Taper,  C = Crowd  Please Note:- Designed to be used as a guide~it would be impossible to include every little detail
~somethings may be misheard?  
11May1985 Munster, W Germany Odeon

(A: female talking to taper) First and Last and Always / Body and Soul / (C: call for walk away) (E: marian) Marian / No Time to Cry / (E: possession) Possession / (A: call for on the wire) Walk Away / Emma / (E: mumbles - logic) Amphetamine Logic / (A: female talking to taper) (E: - rock and a hard place) A Rock and a Hard Place /(E: floorshow) Floorshow / (C: -alice – hey hey hey hey )Alice / (A: -gimmie shelter) Gimme Shelter / (C: hey hey hey hey whistles)Knockin' on Heaven's Door /(C: hey hey hey hey whistles) (E: –crash and burn – train) Train (E: thanks)